[2025.02] Hyeyoon Yeon has joined our lab. Welcome!
[2024.09] Our Lab was granted SW STAR Lab Funding, Ministry of Science and ICT.
[2024.09] Geunyeol and Byoungho were granted Research Subsidies for Ph.D. Candidates, National Research Foundation of Korea.
[2024.08] Paper "Formal Semantics and Analysis of Multitask PLC ST Programs with Preemption" was published in FM 2024.
[2024.07] Hyuksoon was granted Research Subsidies for M.S. Candidates, National Research Foundation of Korea.
[2024.06] Paper "Rigorous Model Engineering of Multirate CPSs in Multirate HybridSynchAADL" was accepted to ISOLA 2024.
[2024.05] Paper "Formal Specification and Model Checking of TLS Software Security Requirements using Maude" was published in the KIISE Journal.
[2024.05] Geunyeol was granted the Best Paper/Presentation Award at WRLA 2024.
[2024.03] Paper "A Flexible Framework for Integrating Maude and SMT Solvers Using Python" was accepted to WRLA 2024.
[2024.02] Paper "Formal Semantics and Analysis of Multitask PLC ST Programs with Preemption" was published in FM 2024.
[2024.01] Kyunwoo has joined our lab. Welcome!
[2023.12] Jueun was granted the KIISE Society Outstanding Paper Award.
[2023.12] Paper "Formal Specification of Trusted Execution Environment APIs" was accepted to FASE 2024.
[2023.08] Hyuksoon has joined our lab. Welcome!
[2023.06] Jueun was granted the KIISE Journal Outstanding Paper Award.
[2022.12] Paper "Modeling and Formal Analysis of Virtually Synchronous Cyber-Physical Systems in AADL" was published in the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT).
[2022.12] Paper "Bounded Model Checking of PLC ST Programs using Rewriting Modulo SMT" was published in FTSCS 2022.
[2022.12] Paper "Bounded Model Checking of PLC ST Programs using Rewriting Modulo SMT" was published in FTSCS 2022.
[2022.11] Paper "An Extension of HybridSynchAADL and Its Application to Collaborating Autonomous UAVs" was published at ISOLA 2022.
[2022.07] Byoungho has joined our lab. Welcome!
[2022.05] Paper "STLmc. Robust STL Model Checking of Hybrid Systems using SMT" was accepted to CAV 2022.
[2021.12] Jueun was granted the KSC 2021 Outstanding Paper Award.
[2021.12] Paper "Layered Abstraction Technique for Effective Formal Verification of Deep Neural Networks" was published in KIISE 2021.
[2021.12] Paper "Layered Abstraction for Formally Verifying Deep Neural Networks" was published in KSC 2021.
[2021.11] Paper "Efficient SMT-Based Model Checking for Signal Temporal Logic" was accepted to ASE 2021.
[2021.07] Seunghyun has joined our lab. Welcome!
[2020.03] Paper "Maude-SE. A Tight Integration of Maude and SMT Solvers" was accepted to WRLA 2020.
[2020.02] Jueun Yeon has joined our lab. Welcome!
[2019.03] Geunyeol and Jaehun have joined our lab. Welcome!