About us
We study automated techniques to verify the reliability, security, and safety of computer systems. Our research spans various domains, including cyber-physical systems, trustworthy AI, and logical foundations and algorithms. Please see our Research page for details on our current projects.
We are looking for motivated students at all levels (graduate or undergraduate).
For more details, please contact Prof. Kyungmin Bae (
kmbae at postech.ac.kr).
Recent News
[2025.02] Hyeyoon Yeon has joined our lab. Welcome!
[2024.09] Our Lab was granted SW STAR Lab Funding, Ministry of Science and ICT.
[2024.09] Geunyeol and Byoungho were granted Research Subsidies for Ph.D. Candidates, National Research Foundation of Korea.
[2024.08] Paper "Formal Semantics and Analysis of Multitask PLC ST Programs with Preemption" was published in FM 2024.
[2024.07] Hyuksoon was granted Research Subsidies for M.S. Candidates, National Research Foundation of Korea.
[2024.06] Paper "Rigorous Model Engineering of Multirate CPSs in Multirate HybridSynchAADL" was accepted to ISOLA 2024.
[2024.05] Paper "Formal Specification and Model Checking of TLS Software Security Requirements using Maude" was published in the KIISE Journal.
[2024.05] Geunyeol was granted the Best Paper/Presentation Award at WRLA 2024.